Blue Seal Wild Bird Feed - 716-652-4321
Animal Feed - Blue Seal Wild Bird Feed
Blue Seal wild bird feeds do not contain any red seeds such as red milo and red millet. Birds do not prefer these seeds.
Blue Seal Premium Wild Bird Feeds

High-energy mix with extra high levels of black oil sunflower seeds, sunflower chips and white safflower, blended with peanut hearts and white millet. Concerto is formulated for Cardinals, Finches, Grosbeaks and more. it is an exceptional winter feed. Also it is a no-corn mix that helps discourage black birds.

Nature's Choice
Is a high-energy premium blend with generous amounts of black oil sunflower and white safflower seeds, as well as striped sunflower and sunflower chips, peanut hearts, cracked corn and white millet. Chickadees, Nuthatches and the Tufted Titmouse, as well as a variety of Finches and Northern Cardinals are drawn to this mix.
Song Maker Supreme
Is an excellent mix of black oil sunflower and striped sunflower seeds, combined with sunflower chips, peanut hearts, cracked corn and white millet. This mix will attract woodland dwelling birds such as Chickadees, Nuthatches and the Tufted Titmouse.
Song Maker
Sing Along
Birder's Secret Wild Bird Feeds

Birder's Secret Cardinal Mix
Ingredients: Black oil sunflower, safflower seed, striped sunflower seed, sunflower chips and whole buckwheat.
Birder's Secret Wild Finch Mix
Ingredients: Small sunflower chips, nyjer seed, white proso millet, canary seed, small golden millet, flax seed and orange oil.
Birder's Secret Woodpecker Mix
Ingredients: Shelled Peanuts, Sunflower Chips, Coarse Cracked Corn, Pistachio Nuts, Walnuts, Pecans, Pumpkin Seeds, Cranberries.
Birder's Secret Neat Feast Mix
Ingredients: Sunflower Chips, Shelled Peanuts, Coarse Cracked Corn, Pistachio Nuts, Walnuts, Pecans, Pumpkin Seeds.
Tips for attracting wild birds
Setting out a bird bath and providing clean, fresh water will also attract birds not normally drawn to feeders.
Both bird feeders and bird baths should be cleaned periodically and the food supply kept fresh to provide a healthy feeding environment.
Select a feeder and location appropriate for the birds you would like to attract. Place feeders in a quite place where they are easy to see and convenient to refill. Ideally, it is best t put them close to natural shelter, such as trees or shrubs, which offer resting places for birds between feedings and a quick escape from predators.
Attracting birds to a new bird feeder is best done in the summer or early fall as birds are exploring and by fall are looking for feeding sources for the winter. In the winter months wild birds limit their travels to known feeding sources to conserve energy. Place an aluminum pie pan on the ground below the bird feeder and sprinkle some seed on the pie pan. The birds will be attracted to the pie pan as it will reflect sunlight and they will go to it and find the feed, from there they will easily find the bird feeder.
Straight Seeds
Black Oil Sunflower Seed

Striped Sunflower Seed

White Safflower Seed

Sunflower Chips

Peanut Hearts

White Proso Millet

Fine Cracked Corn

Nyjer (Thistle) Seed